Saturday, July 5, 2008


We are only too familiar with OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Well, I propose that the United States should take the lead in forming the Organization of Grain Exporting Countries. OGEC would be a consortium of the major food grain exporting countries, like the United States and Canada, that would set the world market price for a bushel of grain, like wheat, corn, barley, etc. Such a consortium could set the per bushel grain market price at a rate equivalent to the per barrel price of petroleum. Now I realize that such a plan to inflate the market value of food grains could have a disastrous effect upon those nations that depend upon grain imports to feed their citizens, particularly the poorest nations of the world. But OGEC member nations like the United States could use some of the tremendous profits realized from grain sales to increase the amount of foreign aid to those poorest and neediest of nations to offset their outlays to feed their people. In the meantime, those OPEC nations like Saudi Arabia and the UAE ( whose wealth and prosperity comes from their inflated oil prices would get a taste of their own medicine!


Melanie Gold said...

Your idea has merit, but (1) do any politicians really care regular citizens' ideas; (2) has no one else thought of this; and (3) it probably falls under my "just give me the damn discount" rant.

When I buy a new piece of electronics--a cell phone, a DVD player, a computer--so often I get one of those rebate offers instead of the discount up front.

That really grinds my oats, because it makes the whole system more sluggish, and it is sneaky on the manufacturer's part. Either give me the damn discount or forget it. Corporations would establish a stronger feel-good relationship with consumers if they did away with mail-in rebates.

If I were in charge of OGEC...first of all it would never last because I have no business sense, but in addition it would bomb on its own if it's perceived that the richest country in the world is getting even richer by inflating food prices.

Melanie Gold said...

I'm not a Newt Gingrich fan, but I support two of his ideas in this video--punish the speculators who are driving up prices, and invest in alternative energy.